Month: April 2014

Pollen Warrior

The pollen has been kicking around for weeks here in North Carolina. Every year Hank suffers through seasonal allergies. He’s usually the hardest hit in our family of five.

His eyes are puffy, red and watery. He develops persistent cough, but somehow manages to keep that upbeat, determined attitude I admire so much in him. This morning as I’m using the bathroom, Hank stands outside my door to give me a status report.

“Hey Mom, I was just itching my eyes and a truck load of pollen just fell out of them.”

“Wow Hank, that’s a lot of pollen.” “Where did it all go?”

“It poured all over the stairs.”

And with that, he walked up the stairs and disappeared into his room.



Just overheard Hank and his 12-year-old sister, Zoë,  talking while dying their Easter eggs at at the kitchen counter.

Hank: “Just so you know, the meeting for trading Easter candies is in my room this time, Zoë.”

I look at Zoë.  Meeting?

Zoë: “We’ve had this candy exchange for a long time.”  “We trade candy every time there’s a holiday for really good candy.” ” Easter is usually one of them.”

“And it works out really well for everyone because someone usually gets something worth trading.”

Hank nods in approval.  Man, I thought I was buying some really awesome candy.

Zoë and Hank

Zoë and Hank


Tea Talk, Episode 12: “Autism, A Personal Journey”

Hank’s story. 🙂

The Bombeck Sisters

April is National Autism Awareness Month. 

We have a story to tell.  One that is poignant, real and extremely close to our hearts.  We share Steph F.’s  story about  her son diagnosis with Asperger’s Syndrome.

Steph F and her son, Hank Steph F and her son, Hank.

 1 in 68 children and on the rise…chances are you either know someone or will know someone autistic. There are still misconceptions and confusion about this syndrome and though we don’t have all the answers, our hope is, with this frank, genuine and insightful discussion, that we can help bridge the gap.  

 We hope to give those living, managing and excelling with autism,  lots of encouragement, empathy and hope…because along with the challenges, there is hope and joy…LOTS of joy!  


We  are  proud to share Steph’s  story.  We want to  spread the word so that others may come away with a deeper appreciation for all children…

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